Apr 20, 2021 | Product highlight
A complete assessment of residue values of all quinmerac metabolites has not been possible up until now due to the lack of availability of the two quinmerac metabolites BH 518-1 and BH 518-4. Today we are pleased to announce that we have added these two metabolites to...
Apr 20, 2021 | Produkt-Highlight
Eine vollständige Bewertung der Rückstandswerte aller Quinmerac-Metaboliten war bisher aufgrund der mangelnden Verfügbarkeit der beiden Quinmerac-Metaboliten BH 518-1 und BH 518-4 nicht möglich. Wir freuen uns, Ihnen heute mitteilen zu können, dass wir diese beiden...
Jan 18, 2019 | Product highlight
Quinmerac is a synthetic herbicide from the quinoline group and used mainly on cereals and beets. Residues of the active substance and its main metabolites are found on plants, in soil and groundwater and are of importance with regard to consumer health protection. In...